Dynamic of Productivity Changes in Individual Malaysian Community College Based on Bootstrapping the Malmquist indices


There are 42 main campus of Malaysia Community College can be found all over Malaysia.  For the last ten years, Malaysian government has put greater attention on productivity development in the education sector by means to push the development of quality human capital. This sector has experienced some necessary changes, which have accelerated its expansion. NHESP (National Higher Education Strategic Plan) in 2007 become the most essential policy adjustment in this field. This Plan is Malaysia’s essential policy that drive transformation and revolutionizing the higher education argued Kaur and Sirat (2010).  Apparently clear policy focus on the creation of regional centre for research and education gained from the transformation agenda of the Malaysian Higher education sector. This paper intends to build theoretical frameworks that applybootstrapped Malmquist indices to explore the consequences of NHESP on productivity of Malaysian Community College over the period 2007-2010.Simar and Wilson (1988, 1999) suggested that various inputs and outputs are applied to analyze and bootstraps the Malmquist indices.