E-Biz of Photo Films Outlets in Malaysia – A Review of Two Cases Venturign into E Business in Varying Levels


With its broad reach and flexibility, e-commerce is becoming an increasingly important selling channel for today's businesses. The benefits of marketing on the internet are many; however, this does not mean that every company should market their products and services on the internet. Thought must be given to the target market and the products and services being sold. Are the target market likely to search the internet for the products and services, or would they be more likely to get to the store for instance? There are of course, costs involved in marketing on the internet and they can vary vastly. For any company embarking on such a course, the most important factors is to ensure that the functionality and design of the website is relevant and it is able to fully utilize its e biz potential, otherwise it’s just simply a dormant. Since this is a highly customer oriented industry and online would have far more benefits than any e-mall or digital market places, it is felt that a study of this nature may be useful and relevant for  both academicians and services sector. Due to time the depth of analysis was restrained to the firm with no review at the customer satisfaction levels and their varied expectations form this sector that e biz would have thrown open to.  From our observation, with the trend of digital camera and phone camera becoming so much of a part in the lifestyles of the youngsters and of the working young adults, the number of digital images captured is expected to continue to grow. According to a study, the trend of home printing is declining in favor of professional services due to better quality and cheaper digital imaging services offered. As such instances, targeting on these technological inclined and internet savvy market to indulge in an online digital imaging printing experience is indeed a good business move that should be considered. What more with the fact that today’s world is a connected one. Even many firms that have always relied on face-to-face customer interaction has launched e-commerce websites, of which what Company B nearest yet younger competitor, Company A has embarked on. Hence, it’s about time that Company B starts to plan on one to fully gain the advantage of the power of internet. As a researcher, one would like to review the e-biz skills of both companies and their e-biz plans to enhance their reach beyond the shores of Malaysia by integrating multimedia and marketing strategies so as to leverage the company to a new and dynamic phase of marketing.