E-Business Related Patents in a Globalised E-Economy: The Position in Asian Region


This research paper explores the legal positions pertaining to e-business-related patents in a globalised e-Economy in Asean region i.e. Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines.  It attempts to highlight the diverse legal discrepancies in the patents laws/patent legislations vis-à-vis e-business-related patents in the respective Asean country.  The approach taken is comparative and critical analysis in nature. Section/Part 1 deals with the legal position taken in major jurisdictions in the US and Europe/UK. Section/Part 2 analyses the legal positions adopted in the respective Asean countries in the light of legal positions prevalent in the above major jurisdictions.  In this regard, the patents law/legislative statutes of each Asean country will be compared and analysed accordingly with a view to identify the extent of differences and similarities in legal treatment with special emphasis on e-business-related patents.  The conclusion/result reached in this research paper is non-exhaustive due to conflicting/different legal treatment  and  the dynamic nature  of  globalised e-Economy effecting the respective Asean country.