E-Commerce as a Business Model. A Comparative Study in Romania and European Union


The concept of the business model is destined to find realization, applicability and practicality in many aspects in the economic sector of entrepreneurship. The company in its entirety, represents a model framework with an interconnected process structure, essential for revenue generation, allocation and absorption. When a business enterprise is initiated, it inevitably needs to implement a defined business model. The redesign of business models runs parallel to technological trends. As a result, the comprehensive study aspects in the economic sciences confront the researcher permanently with the tests of change. Technological evolution defines imperative and indispensable trials for entrepreneurs. Constantly companies in a way, are traders of ideas and creations through their business models. The novelty of this study comes from conducting an analysis of business models in the spirit of compromise with technological evolution. The purpose of this research is to assess the extent of e-commerce and online presence for Romanian business in relation to the European Union (EU).