e-Health for Diabetes Self-Management in Saudi Arabia: Barriers and Solutions


The need to give support to diabetes patients through e-health becomes necessary in recent times. This study aims to determine how e-health applications can benefit diabetes self-management in Saudi Arabia through a systematic literature review. Barriers and solutions e-health for self-management of diabetes is the core focus of this study. Google Scholar, JSTOR, PubMed and Research Gate using articles published. Mobile-enabled and e-health applications were consistently found promising in most of the papers. The search yielded 40 usable papers, described then categorised according to the topic and direction of findings. Some barriers standing found in the study are integrating patient records at the national level, training people operating and maintaining the system, etc. The study found that the societies' cultural, religious and social practices significantly affect the effective use of e-health in the study area and everyone including parents need to be educated.