E-Learning and the World University Rankings as the Modern Ways of Attractiveness Enhancement for the Russian Universities


The article presents an analysis of the Russian eLearning market in the higher education segment. The development and use of eLearning is a priority direction of the development of Russian higher education, set today by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Despite the absence of Russian legislation in the field of eLearning and the economic crisis, the Russian eLearning market continues its fairly dynamic development and is of interest to venture investors. Along with the analysis of the eLearning market, the authors of the article present an analysis of the Russian universities position in the World University Rankings. As an example, the authors presented an overview of the electronic environment of Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University and the University position in the World University Rankings. Both ways of development of Russian higher education increase visibility of the Russian universities which is by far the most common motivation followed by student recruitment.