E-Procurement in Catalogue Based e-Marketplace by Multi Agent Approach


The research presented in this paper proposes an innovative agent-based approach for planning and negotiation in catalogue based e-marketplace. In e-marketplace, production planning tools allow creating a link between commercialization and production activities providing a better service for the customer and for the supplier. On the other hand, negotiation tools allow making transactions able to take into account buyer’s and seller’s identities and goals, providing a better global satisfaction. The paper proposed an approach based on a single round among customer and suppliers to reach an agreement. The purposes of this approach are to reduce the time to reach an agreement and to reduce the behavior information to set for the agents. A discrete event simulation environment has been developed in order to test the proposed approach. The performance of the proposed approach are compared with a negotiation approach as a benchmark. The simulation results show that the proposed approach outperforms the negotiation approach.