Economic Differentiation of Territories (Case of the North-Western Macroregion of Russia)


The article discusses the regions of the North-West Federal District in a general map of states, according to criteria such as: the quality of life of the population, socio-economic situation, the innovativeness of the region and investment attractiveness. The comparison was made based on research conducted by the Expert RA rating agency, acting as an intellectual partner of the Case Zone at the Russian Investment Forum, the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia AIRR, and the RIA Rating agency. The study allows us to differentiate the subjects of the North-West Federal District according to the current level of economic development and the pace of the changes taking place, that is, it helps to visually see in which regions there is a positive trend, in which economic indicators are deteriorating. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the regions within the county are competitive.