Economic Growth through Eco-Efficient Methods and Strategies. Regulations and Achievements in Romania


Intensive industrialization, besides economic and social growth, reflected in improved living conditions, had negative consequences over environment manifested through pollution, increasing the amount of waste, reducing non-renewable resources and degeneration of the natural eco-system. Regulatory international organizations have attempted, in recent decades, implementation of mitigation measures for such consequences, but their success requires a unified vision of both people and companies to reduce negative impact over the environment by changing production processes, finished product structure and consumption management. Activity results are reflected in this approach of eco-efficiency concept. It aims, primarily, the economic component of eco-innovation, highlighting the relations between it and the environment, but also considers social involvement through consumption of goods and services. This paper aims to identify the main methods and strategies to be undertaken by organizations for growth on specific eco-efficiency principles and steps taken by the Romanian governmental institutions to support the adoption of this concept at institutional and individual level as a prerequisite for alignment to international standards.