Economic policies applied in finance and credit in times of crisis


The 2008 financial crisis that covered almost all the planet, transforming into an economical crisis can be considered new regarding the economical-financial theory. The financial market events had both a causal effect, determining congestion and leading investment cessation, but maybe to an even greater extent, they were a very powerful signal of existing difficulties that remained hidden. These camouflaged malfunctions have gradually came to light, but it difficult to predict to what extent the findings string has been finished. The present economical and financial crisis is, firstly, the outcome of the black out the accompanies almost every time, the reassembling of worldwide economical and political roles. Because the primary elements of the financial crisis are know (the uncontrollable expansion of credits) we should look for remedies of the same category. For one of them were already made application trials, and others are in the attention of financial bodies and accounts. The financing of consumption was made not only at an individual or company level but also became a state policy. This was accepted both by the other states that were in debt in order to sustain the need for consumption and also by those which financed the deficit resulted from this approach by using their own commercial excess, being dependent of the market that was represented by the consumer states.