Education and Technology: The Ways of Access to the Knowledge Society: How Far We Are?


In knowledge-based economies, human capital is the main source of progress. But even more important, knowledge, is also the key to a broader understanding of development – whether human development or sustainable development. In a world of rising technologies, telecommunications and technological sophistication, the quality of the labor force is given by the education process and all its positive implications.
The subject of this proposed paper it supported also by  the general preoccupation of world greatest organizations (UNESCO, UNDP, UNICEF, World Bank) about  achieving equality in the field of education and reducing the knowledge gap in the sector of technologies, through education.  The different social groups are far from having equal access and capacity to assimilate this growing flow of information or knowledge that marks our era. Not only do the most disadvantaged socio-economic categories have often a limited access to information or to knowledge, but also they do not assimilate it as well as those who are on the highest rung of the social ladder.