Effect of Destination Image, Travel Experience and Travel Constraints on Electronic Word of Mouth and Revisit Intention


Experience is one of the important factors for a destination and tourists to create an unforgettable memory that will affect repeated arrivals. However, the high potential of Makassar to make an unforgettable experience for its visitors is not comparable to their intention in spreading electronic word of mouth (e-wom). This study aims to examine the influence of destination images and the experiences in traveling to Makassar on revisit intention and spread positive e-wom by gathering 230 respondents who have visited Makassar. Based on the results of the research analysis, experience had an influence on the revisit intention and spread positive e-wom as well as the image of Makassar destinations and unforgettable experiences. Meanwhile, travel constraints influence the revisit intention and destination image, but there is no significant effect on intention in positive e-wom. This study has implications for the government and tourism industry that creating experiences can be done by compromising the four dimensions of experience (escape, entertainment, aesthetics and education) to increase tourist revisits and spreading positive e-wom on the image of a destination. 
