Effect of Superiors’ Features on Employees’ Job Satisfaction on the Example of Metallurgical Enterprise


The main task of superiors is managing the enterprise, but the biggest challenge for them is managing people. The leadership style and personality of the superior have an impact on the employees' behavior, the way they work, their tasks performance, how they feel in a given enterprise, and thus their job satisfaction. With effective leadership styles and approach to employees, superiors create an appropriate organizational culture while employees want to be part of this culture, which should be reflected in their work performance, and thus in the profits achieved by the enterprise. A particularly important role the supervisor plays in the metallurgical enterprise where production process is quite tough, it is usually conducted in a four-shift system, the results are impossible to be corrected. The aim of this paper is to assess the characteristics of the superiors in terms of employees' opinion. The 4E+1P principles, Twelve golden rules, Toyota’s principles were used to indicate the superiors' features. The research had form of a survey. The research was conducted in chosen metallurgical enterprise. It was seen that the manager of the research enterprise made decisions himself, did not ask employees about advice, did not motivate them to develop, and the employees complained about the lack of job security.