Effective Leadership In The Organization –A Current Challenge In The Military Service


Many people are "born" to become leaders and often become them. But what do those who do not feel the mission to lead people and do not even try to encourage others to work together in a new direction? Nothing lost. In the light of the latest research, and this is also demonstrated by business practice, we have many types of leadership and under certain conditions everyone can become a leader. The only problem here is ... being ready to play this role. The first step in this direction is to know yourself, your weaknesses and the best sides of character. It gives you confidence and allows you to feel internally consistent. It also becomes a premise for opening up to the world and others, as well as being free to undertake new experiences without fear and prejudice. Leading people is not an easy task. This is perfectly captured by Plato's remark: "The most important thing is that nobody is ever left without leadership, a man or a woman, that they don't get used to serious matters or games and act in their own way."[1] Designing an activity and convincing others to do it is a real art. Many military commanders, politicians and managers have found this quite painfully. To encourage others to follow you, you need both the right knowledge and many skills, which, however ... can be learned! Improvement also requires personal predisposition to lead and lead others. Even Leonidas and Aristotle, teachers of the Alexander the Great (356–323 B.C.), were convinced of this.