Effective Motivation of Employees in Organizations as a Competitive Advantage in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic


Psyche, as part of human control center, called central nerve system if balanced is the basis of physical and psychological health, well- being, performance and productivity. Balancing is tangential issue in organizations, especially workplace, and helps managing at all levels of organizations in terms of selecting, supporting, motivating and training employees optimally and helps businesses designing products, building better workspaces and fostering healthy behavior (OECD, 2019). In a changing business world companies need the ability to assess which trends and developments are essential to sustain own workforce and accomplish the goal of staying competitive, and of being connected to employees and customers. Accomplishing goals requires personnel motivation, a process that is cross functional and goal directed while acting voluntary, moreover crisis requires motivation, based on consistency (Rump and Eilers, 2020). The goal of this article is to figure out the change in employee motivation in organizations pre and post COVID-19 and especially the basics of effective motivation of employees in times of COVID-19. The method fundamentally bases on literature review, qualitative content analysis, the structured analysis applying a coding system, descriptive statistics, deduction and synthesis to evaluate the findings.
