Effects of Changing Unemployment Rate, GDP per Capita and Part-time in Selected European Countries during 2008-2017


The aim of this paper is identification of economic indicators which significantly directly or indirectly effect on flexibility of employee’s choice and work life balance in selected countries. The main objective of this work is to compare these dependencies between selected indicators and equity indices value within states and subsequent classification of countries into homogeneous groups based on the observed strengths of partial dependencies. Paper deals with macroeconomic indicators as unemployment rate, GDP per capita and Part-time rate in selected countries to find a connection across these countries. Through this research question necessary for further research in the field of Part-time work have surfaced. The results are transformed into tables and charts utilizing Pearson's Correlation Coefficients. Countries were divided into 6 groups by results and colours depend on how strong dependency was founded. The conclusion is the emergence of options, descriptions and recommendations for influenced dimensions, countries and protentional areas to avoid problems in future.