Effects of Social Rights and Environmental Issues in International Market; The African Experience


This study will focus on the effects of social and environmental issues on producers in their attempt to enter international markets. Trade serves as an avenue through which interrelationships exist amongst economies. In order for resources to be efficiently and effectively utilized, measures are put in place to promote trade transactions across national boundaries. These measures entail requirements producers may be asked to meet which relates to a wide range of sustainability metrics, respect for basic human rights, worker health and safety, the environmental impacts of production, community relations, land use planning and others. This paper tends to highlight the effect of these measures on international business. Infringement of social rights and environmental degradation, are deeply rooted in modern industrial revolutions. However, large-scale industrialization, besides its unquestionable benefits, triggered a systematic assault against human dignity and environmental health. The ensuing expansion of world trade further worsened the consequences. More so, environmental and social issues may manifest in diverse ways, thereby affecting operations in international market.