Electronic Government – From Concept to Implementation: A Romanian Approach


The current technological context may be, once again, the progenitor of multiple revolutions in economic, social and political dimensions. Current or possible revolutions in these three dimensions are not necessarily disjoint: on the contrary, there is always a complementarity rising from the systemic character of every revolution. The spectacular development of information and communications technologies, corroborated with the launching of modern paradigms in virtual space like cloud computing and blockchain, puts us in a spectacular information society based on knowledge and artificial intelligence. This technological and digital ecosystem is a real progenitor for developing intelligent solutions for public administration, with the emerging effect of developing electronic government. In this paper we will approach the field of electronic government (meaning, paradigms, implementations, case studies – two Romanian solutions for the fiscal side of e-government), including the sensitive and controversial phase of citizen security. Our approach will deal with controlling the access to citizen personal information of the citizen and other information that may impact individual privacy. Also, we will tackle the advantages and drawbacks of implementing an e-governing solution in Romania. At the same time, we must not neglect three key functional aspects of any virtual activity: trust, security and interoperability.