Electronic Student Academic System (E-SAS) for Secondary School


Nowadays computers are used to manage daily works. School management uses computer to process academic assessments. For example, teachers store students mark and grades in computer software such as Microsoft Office. However computers are merely used to store students assessments and there are no systematic place for analyzing and turning that data into information and knowledge. Therefore, Electronic Student Academic System (E-SAS) is developed to facilitate teachers and administration staffs in managing students’ information and their assessments. E-SAS is consists of two modules which are student profile and student result. In addition to that, two types of assessments are included in E-SAS which are mid-term test and final year test. This system which follows agile development process is implemented using Hypertext Pre-Processor (PHP) and MySQL softwares. As a result, users find that E-SAS is capable of displaying and searching student information. It also can calculate and produce assessments evaluation reports for each type of tests.     
