An Empirical Analysis of Work Related Expectations of Indian Gen ‘ Y


In this era of multi-generational workforce, one of the biggest worries of the organizations is to understand the characteristics and expectations  of people belonging to Gen ‘Y’ , The topic needs a detailed attention as studies conducted by steel case in 2010 that one in every ten people on the planet is an Youth under 30  approximately 670 million in number ,out of which 426 millions are Indians, Hence they cannot  be ignored as they are the people in transition for  future.The study has further importance as the existence of a multi generational workforce affects two areas of human resources policy and employee development efforts: retention and motivation. Employees of diverse age groups react differently to programs designed to address these two areas, and also have differing expectations. Companies may need to rethink their existing practices in order to accommodate the Gen Y and give them the comfort level in order to help them perform their best in the organization.