This study examined the contributory predictors of employee intrapreneurial behaviour on firms’ performance. The study reviewed necessary academic literature with theoretical foundations. The study was descriptive and involved the distribution of questionnaire to 386 staff working in selected Foods/Beverages and Tobacco firms. Measurement and Structural equation modelling techniques were utilized with the help of AMOS software. The findings of the study revealed a positive association among work discretion, recognition, managerial support, innovativeness and remuneration, while a negative impact of organizational boundary on intrapreneurial behaviour was recorded. This may be due to the nature of tasks within the organizations that require the employees to adopt standard operating procedures. The findings of this study have several implications in the context of Nigeria’s Foods/Beverages and Tobacco subsector. However, among all the predictors, recognition followed by remuneration were more dominant. Therefore, giving recognition to employees with equitable remuneration package could facilitate more intrapreneurial behaviour, which ultimately, will help improve the performance of the firms.