Employees of the Age Category 50+: Prejudice, Stereotype or Actual Reality


Representatives of today’s Czechs and Slovaks in their fifties have experienced two political regimes which influenced their professional careers. Each of them processed their experience in an individual and original manner, just as each human being is unique. They typically have been through several employments and professions, and they have gathered a load of valuable information and experience.  The time of their life, ability to compare and distance gave them an opportunity to acquire detached view, composure and internal balance. (Morawitzová, 2012).

As Čápová (2012) puts it, and as she adds, the main advantage of the employees of the age category 50+ on the labour market is, from the point of view of HR managers, their long term experience in the field.  HR managers further appreciate their experience acquired over the years at work which is often more valuable than theoretical knowledge. The 50+ category employees are not only practically oriented in their field, but they have valuable contacts and bonds as well.

On the other hand, as Morawitzová (2012) puts it, the main problem of the employees 50+ is slower pace at which they process new information and, to certain extent, reduced flexibility. Occasional fluctuation in attention may make them feel insecure. However, it has been proved that the 50+ employees can compensate these deficiencies by their experience and competence acquired through training and practice. This also leads them to better consistency and thoroughness and the use of efficient methods and alternative solutions to problems. In contradiction to the prejudices, many persons in 50+ age category seek further training, follow new trends in their profession, use modern technologies and try to keep pace with the times.

The article presents some results of quantitative and qualitative research performed for the author’s dissertation thesis focused on specific aspects of HR management of employees of the age category 50+ in conditions of Czech and Slovak organizations and further for the grant project of TACR (Technological Agency of the Czech Republic), Program Supporting Applied Social Research and Experimental Development OMEGA, registration number TD010129, Performance Potential of 50+ Category Employees and Specific Forms of Management of Human Resources in Organizations.

On the basis of study and analysis of domestic and foreign expert monographs, series, and/or internet sources it appears that certain (stereotypical) characteristic features and attributes are attributed to the 50+ category employees.

The compliance rate of the represented characteristic attributes and features of employees of 50+ categories are the main topic of this article. The article brings an answer to the question which characteristic features and attributes are perceived by HR managers in the same way as by the 50+ category employees and vice versa. The total of 22 characteristic features and attributes representing the 50+ category employees were selected.

The statistic comparison of the compliance rate of the answers of HR managers and employees of the age category 50+ was performed on the basis of McNemar’s test (symmetry test) in the R program.