Employing the Elderly in the Service Sector in Conditions of Electronic and Fourth Innovation and Technology Revolution: Industry 4.0


In the conditions of electronic revolution and innovation and technology revolution Industry 4.0, an important issue is the employment of population, in particular, labor activity of the elderly in the service sector and improvement of their standard of living. In this research a hypothesis is formulated about activation of the living position of the elderly, growth of their incomes and affordability of services for consumers. Literature review on the problem has revealed different approaches to determining the reasonability of labor activity of the elderly, sources of funding, modes of study and further education. The research determines the list of services and identifies the mechanisms which could provide the right qualification level and ensure the quality of services in "Industry 4.0", rendered by the elderly due to retraining, further education, flexi-time, automation and mechanization of some processes in service rendering. The factors of psychological compatibility of people obtaining and providing services to the general public are considered, as well as the rendering of services by the elderly within a walking distance to the places they live in. We have determined the possible sources of additional income for the elderly and sources for funding measures to make their work in the service sector less laborious.