Enhancing Trust through IT Risk Management to Achieve e-Government Success


E-Government is the infrastructure that governments create to transform the way for complete missions (Reffat, 2003). However, e-Government in Thailand is still ineffective and inefficient in present. We are interested to study in field of e-Government Success in Thailand. Risk has become an important issue both government and industry (White, 1995; Woods, 2009). In addition, an increasing number of hazards and failures accompany with the advances in technology. Therefore, IT risk management is one of the important issues confronted with information systems. The trust is reviewed as an essential concern of a relationship when uncertainty or risk (Mayer, Davis and Schoorman, 1999 and Pavlou, 2001).  The paper addresses the challenges that need to be taken into account to lower the IT Risk Management. An integrated trust to developing e-Government successful is introduced including Individual based Trust and Institutional based Trust.