Entrepreneurial Challenges: Innovating Business Models for a Multi Sided Platform Approach


Entrepreneurs are the innovators and drivers of economic growth. They create jobs, mobilize competition and contribute to the social progress of a country. These are people who implement their visions, bravely embrace problems, are looking for creative solutions and are ready to take responsibility. The modern entrepreneur is a pioneer in the traditional sense, translating new ideas into economically viable concepts. Teachers, heads of social or cultural institutions, artists and employees are also constantly in demand to act entrepreneurially in the accomplishment of their tasks and the search for new things.

Global competition is fiercely contested and the digital revolution is also reversing business, industry and markets. In addition, one must ask to what growth curves can be extended, what proven strategies are viable for the future and which path to take to ensure long-term economic success. The change from linear business model to a multi sided platform business model is such an example, adapting to new market needs and innovating / developing new market segments. 

The aim of the paper is to learn more about the process, actions and steps of a company or entrepreneur when a multi sided platform approach occurs, understand what challenges companies face when developing a multi sided platform business model. For this, the authors are using descriptive research method, namely a desk research, analyzing different case studies and qualitative research method, face-to-face interviews.