Entrepreneurial performance assessment was one of the fundamental aspects of the theoretical and empirical research of this study. The main objective of the research was to evaluate entrepreneurial activities using the quantitative and qualitative approach of Polish enterprises. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the entrepreneurship measurement methodology was used based on entrepreneurship indicators and an attempt was made to build the synthetic indicator of entrepreneurship based on own research. In the study, the multidimensional assessment of the entrepreneurship of Polish enterprises was carried out; in entrepreneurial activities, various effects expressed in terms of quantity and quality can be found, as well as diversified motives and determinants of their implementation. The value of the study consists in the presentation and assessment of entrepreneurial dimensions of Polish enterprises to estimate the effectiveness of activities and the potential from the point of view of the future performance. Moreover, the developed synthetic entrepreneurship account is a tool for supporting managerial decisions as well as it is linked to Performance Management and is an incentive for continuous improvement.