Entrepreneurship Growth as a Factor for Rural Areas Development


Entrepreneurship is in the current context of economic and social uncertainty a viable alternative of organization and development of income-generating activities, being increasingly placed at the forefront of the economy, for transforming it into a driver of economic and social progress and development.

In the context of such developments is necessary that entrepreneurship, SMEs and entrepreneurs to be considered not only in a pragmatic approach, but also in a scientific, educational and cultural one, and should also include SMEs from rural area and food sector. Under these circumstances, this paper aims to analyze the current state of entrepreneurship in rural areas of Romania and find some key ways to stimulate entrepreneurship in rural areas. The paper is structured in two parts. The first part presents the conclusions of the current level of entrepreneurship in rural areas study conducted by a questionnaire survey (conducted in Baleni, Dambovita county), and the second part presents a series of pragmatic solutions and proposals to stimulate entrepreneurship in rural areas.