Entrepreneurship in Public Sector Innovation: A Proposed Framework


Innovation has a powerful effect on country’s economic well-being. The journey of innovation starts at the very of any organization whether public or private sector. In public sector,  innovation  seems  to  be  lagged  behind  compared  to private  sector.  However,  by adopting  entrepreneurship  attributes,  public  official  can  be  more  innovative  to  improve public  sector  service  delivery.  Hence,  this  paper  presents  some  historical  background  of changes in Malaysian Public Sector before 90s and how it took place after in 20th century. It also  discussed  some  literatures  that  advocate entrepreneurship  in  public  sector.  Some achievements of Government Transformation Programme (GTP), Economic Transformation Programme  (ETP,  for  instance,  are  also  presented.  Finally  it  proposes  a  new  framework (Entrepreneurship-based  Innovation  for  Better  Public  Service  Delivery)  on  how entrepreneurship can be adopted in the Malaysia public sector.