Environmental Protection: The Method of Mineral Separation according to Useful Component Density


The implementation of the Smart City concept means creating a system including such basic elements as digital economy development, integrated breakthrough IT technologies, Smart human capital formation providing a fundamental merger of information, nano-, bio- and socio-humanistic technologies through the mediation of digital systems, as well as the presence and development of the Smart Ecology system based on the principles of natural resources saving and environmental improvement. In this context, the development of efficient methods to process technology-related materials is becoming all the more exigent. The article’s author, building on the systematized experience, has conducted comprehensive scientific research and laboratory tests that led to the invention of a patented method of mineral separation according to useful component density, and of a plant unit to embody the invention. The conclusion has been made that the unit is highly efficient due to its continuous work, low metal content, minimal time and labor input needed for its assembling and disassembling; it also needs minimum time and labor input to prepare and equip a site for its operation, which may lead to economic effect and improved ecological situation in the area. The article may be of interest for government authority officials as well as for specialists implementing priority innovative environmental projects.