ERP Systems Implementation: Characteristics and Critical Success Factors. A Case Study of Electrolux


The new era of business information systems promises a sagacity of information flow among different modules and departments within an organization. In this context Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems or enterprise systems are playing today a crucial part and their advantages and benefits gained are noteworthy. Therefore the paper has analyzed and identified which are the key aspects of the ERP systems implementation such as their critical success factors and their characteristics using as a case study Electrolux that has continue to maintain their strategic advantage on the business market in spite that the competitors have implemented global ERP systems versus the local ERP systems implemented by Electrolux. Based upon the review of other ERP systems implementation our research has looked mainly to highlight the processes streamlined by using local ERP systems that are integrated now in Electrolux which is in fact a global organisation. The main research questions addressed in the paper were looking to: (1) Highlight the characteristics of the ERP systems that are essential for any enterprise system and in particular in the case of Electrolux ERP system; (2) The examination of the different critical success factors of an ERP system implementation in order to improve the organization business information flow: (3) The investigation of how can organizations improve their practices in successful implementation of their ERP systems. Finally the research paper it is analyzing why in the designing phase of different processes, it is important to involve both the customers and the users with their needs which in case of Electrolux has due to the increased of their benefits from ERP systems implementation locally.