Essential Competitive Advantages for a Sustainable Economic Development – Case of Romania


Competitiveness and competitive advantages are complex economic concepts widely debated in the speciality literature and the world economic system. Our research,  has been focused on national competitiveness, that is, on a country's ability, compared to others, to shape and ensure an economic, social, political environment that supports the creation of accelerated added-value. National competitiveness is based on performance and competitive advantages in relation to other states. Our research is the result of an integrated two-dimensional analysis of Romania's competitiveness. The aim of our research is to propose several ways of action that will increase Romania's competitiveness and to contribute to the diversification of its competitive advantages. The main specific objectives are: (1) to present and analyze Romania's current potential for competitive economic development; (2) identify the main competitive advantages of Romania; (3) present and analyze the main vulnerabilities of Romania. The paper is based on a comprehensive study on competitiveness and competitive advantages of Romania. The research results included in this paper are interesting and useful for reviewing the sectoral policies and strategies of Romania in order to increase the competitiveness and the diversification of competitive advantages for a sustainable long-term economic development.