Estrategias de Enseñanza en Investigación para la Educación Superior


Higher education institutions need to encourage more participation of students in research. Taking into account that, it is going to be considered as an important core of their academic formation because it allows them to deal with real situations and address them within a methodological process, responding to needs of a community or productive sector. One of the weaknesses of recent graduates is that they do not feel in the capacity of taking duties, a role or solve work problems. It is due to during their learning phase they learnt the theory, without putting into practice the disciplinary.  The interest in research arises from the teacher, the attitude he has in front of his study group and the methodologies that he implements in the classroom, these factors are directly influential in motivation and in active participation in the classes. The research has been work with conventional methods such as readings of epistemology texts, expositions, and the use of board to supply the content of the subjects, consultation tasks, repetitive workshops and evaluations of memorization of the students related to the topics and methodological steps to address a problem. the need to investigate about didactic resources, is for involving students in learning, where their intervention is active and see the teacher as a knowledge facilitator that allows them to transfer it to fields of interest, and not as an information mediating agent that only delivers information to be constantly repeated; today, with the new knowledge society, professionals with the capacity to diagnose, analyze, describe and propose, to improve living and organizational conditions. This is achieve when students perform practical exercises that lead them to investigate, seek, observe, argue the facts identified in their environment and when the teacher motivates with methodologies to investigate. In this way, the learning becomes more comprehensive and meaningful, where the students recognize that, their disciplinary training can articulate with research and those tools are important to tackle situations to propose solutions or improvements to the identified ones. Thus, students strengthen their work skills from the management of methodological processes. So, for this to be really important in the classroom, it is required that the teacher assertively select the teaching resources, if the teacher continues with the conventional, the perception of the research subjects in the study groups, will remain the same, research spaces as academic requirements without any relevance to their professional life, opting to take the methodology as a mandatory requirement to meet and be able to escalate to the next semesters.
