European Associations and Foundation in Europe A Special Approach on Practicing Economy


Associations and Foundations were recognized by the Europe 2020 Strategy as important actors  in promoting a“smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”. Many of them provide goods and services to vulnerable groups, create jobs and mobilize the civil society, fighting poverty and social exclusion. They are also known as Non Governmental or Non Profit Organizations, carrying on economic activities themselves and contributing to the redistribution of the over plus achieved in the private sector towards social goals. Many of them raise from a civil society initiative. Others are established by companies as part of their CSR policy. At their turn, non profit organizations can establish successful for profit companies using their dividends in the non profit sector. The present article will present some examples belonging to each category mentioned, underlining their contribution to the social good. Likewise international governmental institutions and multinational companies, they also develop sometimes cross border activities. An European statute of Associations and Foundation, similar to the Statute for a European Cooperative Society( Regulation EC no 1435/2003) would ease their access to multinational stakeholders and  more financial resources, connecting beneficiaries, volunteers and donors across the continent.