Evaluating the usability of games interfaces with respect to teenagers and adults


Most video games require constant interaction, so game designers must pay careful attention to usability issues. However, there are few formal methods for evaluating the usability of game interfaces. Observation techniques for our research work with the specialists or experts, adults and teenagers will be depicted in this paper. In the first place, research with adults and teenagers in a controlled setting utilizing cognitive walkthrough and besides research with specialists or experts utilizing heuristic evaluation will be talked about [1, 3]. To include the specialists, adults and teenagers viably in the design and evaluation procedure of the advancement of a game, proper assessment techniques are required. We utilize cognitive walkthrough and heuristic evaluation to assess the usability and the likeability of a game. We adapted the observation and evaluation techniques not just to work with the specialists, adults and teenagers, but additionally to assess games on their ease of use and amiability. For this reason, we utilize use questionnaires and motion and face expression monitoring tools for the assessment of recreations taking into account research discoveries and writing [2, 4].