Evaluating the Level of Energy Security in Poland in relation to the European Union Member States


Energy security is one of the main priorities of the EU’s energy policy. Currently, the main objectives of energy policy to ensure energy security of the European Union member states are to create a single energy market, increase energy efficiency, develop renewable energy sources, increase diversification of energy sources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These factors are becoming increasingly important for the EU countries, including Poland, which is at the initial stage of energy transition. Poland is taking more and more measures to adapt its energy sector to the European Union energy policy and the requirements imposed on member states. Since ensuring energy security is one of the most important objectives of the E European Union energy policy, it is reasonable to assess its level both in Poland and the European Union countries. The article presents the results of research aimed at assessing the level of energy security in Poland versus other European Union countries. The evaluation of this level was carried out on the using a set of 14 selected indicators characterizing energy security. The TOPSIS method and the Shanon's entropy method were used for this analysis. The results showed that Poland is characterized by a warning level of energy security in the group of European Union countries. At the same time, it is advisable to accelerate changes in order to achieve the assumed objectives of the European Union climate and energy policy.