Evaluation of Financing the Health Care System in Ukraine


The article presents the analysis of the state and specific aspects of financing health care system in Ukraine compared to the other countries in the world. It has been proved that there is dependence between total expenditures on health care and life expectancy of population. The deficit level of financial resources in the medical sphere in Ukraine was determined using production-possibility curve to achieve the health-related targets: reducing the number of children who die before their fifth birthday, and reducing death rate among men and women at the age of 15 – 60. Exponential regression was applied to carry out calculations. The analysis was carried out using the indexes from 184 countries (the data were taken from the following periods: 2011, 2013 and 2014). With the help of analytical grouping these indexes were divided into 9 groups depending on the GDP level per capita. The results of the calculations show that Ukraine should additionally spend up to 43.4 billion USA dollars annually to achieve the level of developed countries, whose indexes characterize the efficiency of the health care system. The main causes of unreasonable and inefficient use of financial resources in the health care system of Ukraine were defined. This allowed to evaluate a potential of the public funds savings due to improving the efficiency in the groups of the analyzed components.