Evaluatıon of Sustaınable Marketıng Lıterature wıth Bıometrıc Analysıs Method


In today's world, where the concept of sustainability is evaluated from different perspectives both sectorally and academically, it has become a multidimensional and multidisciplinary concept. While regulations compel companies to adopt sustainable marketing strategies, the literature also strives to be both a pioneer and a follower in this field. Sustainable marketing is one of the most current topics studied by numerous researchers in many countries.

This study aims to examine the academic literature in the field of sustainable marketing using bibliometric analysis and scientific mapping methods. Within the scope of the research, 1,104 studies published between 1997 and 2024 in the Web of Science (WoS) database and focused on social sciences were analyzed using bibliometric methods. The study details the historical development of the sustainable marketing literature, academic collaborations, the most cited studies, key topics, and the structure of the scientific network. The results of the bibliometric analysis indicate that sustainable marketing has a multidisciplinary structure and is particularly concentrated in the fields of business, management, and economics. Additionally, it has been determined that the countries with the highest number of publications are China, the United States, and the United Kingdom. The analyses reveal that the number of publications in the field of sustainable marketing has been increasing since 2009 and that this upward trend continued even during the pandemic period. The most frequently used keywords in the studies include sustainability, green marketing, sustainable consumption, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable development goals. Citation analyses indicate that academic interest in the field of sustainable marketing has increased and that studies in this area are being referenced more frequently. This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the sustainable marketing literature and serve as a guide for future research. The findings serve as a strategic guide for academics, businesses, and policymakers in their decision-making processes and offer significant insights into the development of sustainable marketing.