Evaluation of the Involvement of Students in Online Games, Social Networks and Internet Applications


The proportion of the world population using the Internet at present is 48% of the total world population. In terms of the number of Internet users, such countries as the People’s Republic of China are leading with a total of 0.6 billion users, followed by India with 0.35 billion users. The third place belongs to the United States, the number of users, the Internet of the country is 0.239 billion people. Russia is in 6th place with the number of users in the amount of 0.109 billion people. Along with the positive moments that the Internet brings to our life, we should note a number of negative moments, such as the emergence of a strong psychological dependence on online games and social networking. The most well-known cases were the two deaths from exhaustion caused by the continuous game of citizens of the People's Republic of China known under the pseudonyms Snowly and Nan Ren Gu Shi in the mass multiplayer game World of Warcraft. It should be noted that the visualization of virtual worlds and social networks is increasing every year, which increases the likelihood of psychological dependence on young people. This makes the study of this problem relevant.