Events, Economics and International Business – The Case of Abu Dhabi


The research follows an anti-positivism research paradigm and adopts a qualitative approach to ascertain the economic impact of events. Detailed interviews were conducted with key personals who included policy makers and policy experts and even event organizers to seek information on how events play a key role in triggering economic activity in the hosting region. The focus of the study was on the region of Abu Dhabi which has recently taken a center stage on global arena and has been hosting many international events ranging from sports and adventure, to trade and business, and leisure and entertainment to international geo-political conferences. The results suggest that events have a key role in the economic well-being of the hosting location if proper planning and prior management is done. Events not only facilitate the growth of local businesses and entrepreneurship but are also a very good avenue to increases international business and tourism. The study found that people visiting any particular event also spend time on sightseeing and exploring the location which helps the local community. The hospitality sector also gets a boast during major events.  The study also finds some deficiencies and limitations in the event management framework and process and how can these be removed or the process be enhanced to cater even more economic prospects.