Examining the Factors of Social Commerce Effectiveness


Social commerce is becoming a trend in the online business domain. However it is not solely about selling-buying a product. Since it involves social media, communication and customer relationships are important issues. Besides, with many social commerce sites to choose from, it raises the question on what factors determine the customers to be loyal to a particular social commerce, a situation which is crucial to sustain the business. Thus far, limited formula is known on what strategies social commerce operators focus in ensuring their sites and services are effective in promoting for repeat purchase. Therefore, the study was conducted to examine the roles of process quality, service quality, communication quality and privacy and security quality in explaining for social commerce effectiveness. Conducting a survey method, data was collected from 520 active social commerce participants and run for exploratory analysis, correlation and regression tests. The results reveal for the predicting factors of process quality, service quality and communication quality in explaining for social commerce effectiveness. The study is significant for theorizing a formula that explains for the strategy in retaining customers in the social commerce environment. Implications and future study directions are also offered.