Explore on the Influence of Internet Rumors on Purchase Decisions


People have the desire to prolong life, compare with others, live comfortably, lose love, enjoy food and drink, and avoid suffering and danger. These innate desires are the most attractive. When you can realize these human beings, Instinctual desires can also control those emotional motivations that drive people, and they are beyond control. Human beings are affected by information. Among the products that are about to be discontinued or are in short supply, causing community topics to continue to follow and follow the trend of buying, this research intends to change individuals from positive, negative, rumor characteristics, rumor intensity, source credibility, and interfering with the middle Factors (including the level of involvement, emotional identity, risk avoidance, political party tendencies, propaganda strength, and the strength of the relationship between propagandists and recipients) to explore the impact of online rumors on consumer purchasing behavior in a more in-depth manner, using questionnaires , Collect data and provide research results for corporate product marketing or government future planning for reference.
