Eye- tracking Using in Advertisement: Preliminary Findings


Interest in eye tracking research is increasingly growing, and we also encounter hypotheses regarding the linkage between the eye and the mind in the context of advertising. The purpose of the study was to use eye-tracking technology to investigate how consumers perceive advertising appeals in terms of distinguishing between the promoted product and accompanying elements in the advertisement. The research sample consisted of 35 students aged 19 to 23 years, of whom 18 were women (51%) and 17 were men (49%). The eye-tracker used for research in our study was from the company iMotions, model Smart Eye AI-X. Our assumption was that the majority of respondents would focus their gaze most on the image of the child. The heat map indicates that the most viewed areas were the advertising text, the child's face, and the car in the registration number section. The factors we have examined in this contribution have a significant impact on data quality, and we argue that the presented results are beneficial for anyone aiming to capture high-quality data in psychological and neurological investigations.