Factors Influencing Big Data Management Intentions in Higher Education Sector: A Perspective of Public Research Universities in Malaysia: A Pilot Result


Industry 4.0 primarily focuses on 4 major domains, namely artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of things and big data analytics. Decision to adopt big data management is influenced by numerous factors, some of which are behaviorally interrelated. Discovery and validation of these factors are essential to be able to empirically describe their relationships and impact on one’s decision to make use of the technology in the future. This paper reports the result of a pilot survey aiming to validate a questionnaire that is specifically designed to collect data on the behavioral intention factors that may likely influence higher education institutions to intend to adopt big data management. A total number of 50 sampled responses were used in the study. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 was applied for the factor analysis and reliability analyses of the collected data. The result shows that the 50 responses were reliable and appropriate for the main study survey. All the factor reported loadings have fulfilled the acceptable threshold of 0.70. Both the reliabilities of the items and the scales were also within the acceptable threshold. Thus, it was concluded that the questionnaire was reliable and can subsequently be applied on the aim it was designed for.