Factors that Influence e-Loyalty and Do Consumer Demographics Really Matter?


The objective of this study is to examine factors that influence customer e-loyalty as well investigation any significant differences in the level of mean of the factors according to demographic variables. In this respect, we have identified two factors that may influence customer e-loyalty, namely, trust and satisfaction. We used Internet banking as the target technology and college students as subjects for this study. One hundred and nineteen questionnaires were used. Multiple regressions, independent t-test and one-way ANOVA test were conducted to analyze the data. The results show that both trust and satisfaction significantly influence customer e-loyalty. Surprisingly, the results show that there is no significant different on the level of trust, satisfaction and customer e-loyalty based on demographic elements i.e., gender, age, education and Internet banking experience. Findings of this study are expected to provide banking executives with better understanding of what factors that may influence an individual’s e-loyalty to use Internet banking services. Furthermore, this study may provide information and reference to other researchers.
