Faecal Sludge Management Through Monitoring the Septic Tank Desludging Period (Case Study Kelurahan Pademangan Barat, North Jakarta)


Domestic wastewater management in Jakarta pays special attention to the faecal sludge management. Millions of inhabitants in Jakarta still use septic tank technology as a local scale household domestic wastewater treatment system. Facing the fact that most of the population in Jakarta still uses septic tank technology, providing good operational standard of faecal sludge infrastructure is an effort that must be done by the Jakarta Provincial Government to reduce pollution of domestic wastewater. Actions taken to reduce environmental pollution caused by domestic wastewater in the community is not only by providing good standard of operational faecal sludge infrastructure but also on the management of the local system. Based on existing standards in Indonesia, septic tanks must be routinely desludging every 2-5 years for those which meet the SNI 2398-2017 standard specifications. The scheduled desludging aims to pollution prevention due to septic tanks because it has a proper range of desludging period. BPLHD study in 2015 showed several points in Jakarta groundwater pollution caused by coli bacteria. As a case study, the coli bacteria value in groundwater samples in Kelurahan Pademangan Barat reached 370,000 MPN/100 ml. From the results of this research, most of the respondent's houses or buildings in Kelurahan Pademangan Barat (67.19%) had never desludged their septic tanks at all. For desludging according to Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI), which is 2-5 years, there are 13.83% of respondents who have implemented it. While the remaining 18.98% of respondents still use septic tanks whose designs are not in accordance with SNI.