Features Of Electronic Public Services: Principles, Beneficiaries / Participants, Classifications


The concept of Electronic Public Service includes two attributes: public and electronic. Starting from the understanding of the two attributes, we will continue to try to investigate what electronic public services are. The use of the term "e-Services" is found in various fields, but its predominant application is observed in the case of electronic commerce (e-Services provided in the private sector of companies and NGOs) and in the case of e-Government (e-Services provided). by citizens and businesses). In this paper by this term we will refer to the second situation. The public administration unit as a provider has the task of popularizing the e-Services offered, and the technical equipment, and the necessary training for the use of the technical means, could be returned to the government through programs to favor their acquisition by the population and small companies. The objective of the present paper is to present some essential characteristics of electronic public services as documented in the specialized literature.