The coronavirus pandemic has seriously affected the labor market, changing not only the balance of supply and demand, but also the requirements for applicants. Closing borders, restrictions on movement between countries, in general, the crisis of a number of industries, including with the participation of foreign capital - all these factors made us think: how much knowledge of foreign languages continues to be an important factor in the search for a well-paid and highly qualified job.
The pandemic has forced a review of priorities in business and human resource management. Instead of individual specialists, the focus is now on teams that learn faster, adapt to new working conditions, successfully compete with each other, and cope better with uncertainty. In 2021, a new stage awaits us - the emergence of super teams in which human labor is supported by modern technologies: artificial intelligence, machine learning, tools for collaboration. Super teams will enable businesses to achieve their goals faster, work faster and at lower costs. There is no need to replace people with robots - it is more important to make the most of a person's capabilities by immersing him in a high-tech environment.