Features of Investment Management in the Agro-Industrial Complex


In the context of development and introduction of innovative technologies in agriculture, lack of investment and their inefficient use largely determine the low competitiveness of a significant part of Russian agricultural enterprises. Effective functioning and consolidation of the resource potential of the industry is possible only on the basis of strengthening of the investment attractiveness of the agro-industrial complex.

Modern agricultural enterprises should change their attitude to investment management. First of all, this is due to the increased requirements for improving the competitiveness of companies in the WTO and the need to invest resources to ensure innovation in the areas of: agricultural machinery, technology, equipment, production of new products and human capital development. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to one of the important features of the new economy – development of human capital and analysis of objective factors and conditions that indicate the need to attract external sources of financing for investment in education.Research is needed to improve the entire system of investment management in the agro-industrial complex in order to improve the efficiency of investment, increase the resource potential and competitiveness of the industry in the world market.

These provisions have defined such tasks of scientific research as the definition of the main elements of the investment process in agriculture, identification and systematization of features and problems of the investment management process in agriculture.