Features of the Life Competences Formation in Children of Elementary School Age with Intellectual Disabilities Educated under Conditions of Different Forms of Learning


In article the analysis of a research of a problem of formation of vital competences of mentally retarded children (intellectual violations) in the course of socialization of the children of younger school age studying in the conditions of vocational and inclusive education is carried out. Self-care skills, other household skills in children with mild mental retardation are sufficiently developed. In the subgroup of life competencies designated in our study as "social skills," significant differences between pupils of different forms of training are manifested, as a rule, in the fact that a significant number of pupils of a special school have skills in the process of formation. The indicators of children in an inclusive form of education vary widely, but the presence of some children with practically formed skills is characteristic, but also a smaller number of pupils in comparison with a special school who have indicated skills are in the process of active formation