Financial Self-exclusion: Why do Households Give up Activity on the Market of Financial Services and Products?


The aim of this research was to identify and assess the socio-economic characteristics of financially self-excluded households and to identify the reasons for the inactivity of households on the market of financial services and products. The source of empirical data were the results of a survey conducted among 1,000 households in Central Pomerania (Poland). The time scope of the research was 2018. The analysis of the characteristics of financially excluded households in relation to the remaining entities included in the analysis was performed with the use of non-parametric statistical tests (chi-square, Fisher's test, Mann-Whitney's U test). The conducted research showed that the following types of households are particularly vulnerable to financial self-exclusion: households from rural areas and small towns; households of the elderly; households with dependent children; households of pensioners and employees. Financially self-excluded households were, on average, smaller, with a lower proportion of dependent children and a lower proportion of people who were gainfully employed. The research also found that the main reasons for financial self-exclusion of the surveyed households were: reluctance to use financial services/products, preferring to use cash, retirement age, low level of household income, lack of possibility to use a financial product/service due to: too high a price, difficult access to financial products and services and the conditions needed to be met in order to be able to use the product/service). The results obtained in the course of this research contribute to both literature and practice. These research results may be an important source of information both for financial institutions, as well as for entities that deal with reducing financial exclusion, including financial self-exclusion of households.
